School Doctor
1 day ago
Internationella Engelska Skolan (IES) is a leading independent school group with academic results far above average and a diverse and energetic staff. Teaching is in both Swedish and English, and the hallways are bilingual. The language of meetings and communication amongst the staff is English.
IES is one of Sweden's largest school groups at compulsory school level with 48 schools and around 32,000 students across the country. IES has grown steadily and maintained quality since 1993.
Skolläkare till Internationella Engelska skolan i Stockholm
Internationella Engelska skolan (IES) söker skolläkare på 50% för arbete på några av våra skolor i Stockholmsområdet. IES har en central elevhälsa som arbetar tillsammans med de lokala skolorna för en god och likvärdig elevhälsa med stort fokus på hälsofrämjande och förebyggande insatser. Som skolläkare inom IES blir du inkluderad i skolornas tvärprofessionella elevhälsoteam som är en viktig del av skolornas systematiska kvalitetsarbete och är även en del av det centrala elevhälsoteamet.
Skolläkaren deltar aktivt i elevhälsans löpande arbete där även hälsofrämjande och förebyggande arbete ingår. Som skolläkare arbetar du nära skolsköterskorna på respektive skola men också övriga medlemmar i elevhälsoteamet samt annan personal på skolan. Uppdraget omfattar bl a konsultationer, mottagningsbesök, utredningar, vaccinationer och samverkan med externa aktörer såsom primärvård, BUM, BUP och socialtjänst mm.
- Specialistläkare i skolhälsovård, barn- och ungdomsmedicin, barn- och ungdomspsykiatri eller allmänmedicin.
- B-körkort
- Tidigare erfarenhet som skolläkare är meriterande.
Vi söker dig
- som har bred medicinsk kompetens med goda kunskaper om barns och ungdomars utveckling och mognad, tillväxt och pubertet, ungdomsmedicin, barn i behov av särskilt stöd inklusive neuropsykiatri, psykisk ohälsa bland barn och ungdomar och vaccinationer
- med ett stort engagemang och genuint intresse för att jobba med barn och ungdomar och som både har god förmåga att samverka men också kan ta egna initiativ.
- som har ett intresse för hälsofrämjande och förebyggande insatser
- bidrar till elevhälsoteamets arbete att, med fokus på elevernas möjligheter, nå utbildningsmålen
Anställningen är knuten till IES huvudkontor i Danderyd och tjänstgöringen fördelas på våra skolor i Stockholmsområdet och inom pendlingsavstånd. För mer information om skolorna, kontakta verksamhetschef enligt nedan.
Tillsvidareanställning 50% med 6 månaders provanställning. Dagtid. Uppehållstjänst.
Sista dag för ansökan är 2025-03-03. Tillträde enligt överenskommelse.
Arbetsgivarens kontaktperson:
Verksamhetschef Helena Lüning, 072-351 79 00
Internationella Engelska skolan är den största fristående aktören inom grundskolan i Sverige med fler än 32 000 elever i 47 grundskolor, från Trelleborg i söder till Skellefteå i norr, samt ett gymnasium. Vi är en tvåspråkig skola som följer den svenska läroplanen och tror att startpunkten för lärande är en trygg och lugn miljö där vi lägger stor vikt vid en stark och integrerad elevhälsa. IES har en central elevhälsa med samordnare för de olika professionerna i den samlade elevhälsan. För mer information besök vår hemsida.
Intyg om legitimation och behörighetsgivande examen ska bifogas ansökan
Registerkontroller görs i samband med anställningen
Intervjuer sker löpande under ansökningstiden
Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av annonsplatser.
Stockholm, Sweden Varbi Recruit Full timeDoctoral (PhD) student position in cancer immunotherapy Do you want to contribute to improving human health? To be a doctoral student means to devote oneself to a research project under supervision of experienced researchers and following an individual study plan. For a doctoral degree, the equivalent of four years of full-time doctoral education is...
Doctoral student in Neuronics
7 days ago
Stockholm, Sweden KTH Royal Institute of Technology Full timeSchool of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH Third-cycle subject: Technology and health Machine Learning-Accelerated Virtual Testing for Automotive Head Impacts This PhD project is part of a collaboration between Autoliv Development AB and Royal Institute of Technology - KTH. Virtual testing based on finite element (FE)...
1-2 Doctoral position in cancer epidemiology
4 days ago
Stockholm, Sweden Karlstad University Full timeDo you want to contribute to top quality medical research? To be a doctoral student means to devote oneself to a research project under supervision of experienced researchers and following an individual study plan. For a doctoral degree, the equivalent of four years of full-time doctoral education is required. The Department of Medical Epidemiology and...
Doctoral student in Social Robotics
1 week ago
Stockholm, Sweden KTH Royal Institute of Technology Full timeSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH Third-cycle subject: Computer Science CLEAR-BOT (CoLlaborative intElligence for human-Aligned RoBOTs) is a project that aims to align robot learning with human intentions. Current AI systems often miss the nuances of human intentions, leading to unintended consequences. We aim to develop robots...
Stockholm, Sweden KTH Royal Institute of Technology Full timeDoctoral students in Large Language Model inferencing School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH Third-cycle subject: Computer Science The advertised doctoral student positions are within an ambitious, 5-year Wallenberg Scholar project titled “Scalable and adaptive inferencing for democratizing AI.” In this 18 Million SEK project, we...
Doctoral student in Cold Mix Asphalt
1 week ago
Stockholm, Sweden KTH Royal Institute of Technology Full timeSchool of Architecture and Built Environment at KTH Third-cycle subject: Civil and Architectural Engineering This project is funded by the Swedish Competence Centre in Road Technology (KCV) for four years. The aim of the project is to increase the knowledge about Cold Mix Asphalt (CMA) – a technology that reduces resource usage, energy consumption, and...
Stockholm, Sweden KTH Royal Institute of Technology Full timeDoctoral student in hybrid control of multi-agent systems School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH Third-cycle subject: Electrical Engineering The project involves distributed task planning and control for multi-agent systems. Multi-agent tasks will be given in the form of formal verification languages such as temporal logic and its...
Doctoral student in Applied Mathematics
1 week ago
Stockholm, Sweden KTH Royal Institute of Technology Full timeDoctoral student in Applied Mathematics (spec. Mathematical Statistics) School of Engineering Sciences at KTH Third-cycle subject: Doctoral program in Applied and Computational Mathematics This doctoral project focuses on problems at the intersection of probability theory, stochastic analysis and optimization that have bearing on financially motivated...
Stockholm, Sweden KTH Royal Institute of Technology Full timeDoctoral student in occupational exposure assessment for the green transition KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health Third-cycle subject: Technology and Health There is an intensifying transition towards ‘plug-in’ cars, and as the existing fleet gets older, the repair needs increase....
Doctoral student
1 week ago
Stockholm, Sweden KTH Royal Institute of Technology Full timeDoctoral student (licentiate) in building energy system control School of Architecture and Built Environment at KTH Third-cycle subject: Architectural and Civil Engineering In the transition toward low-energy buildings and the 5th generation of district heating, using data-driven approaches to integrate decentralized renewables with optimal control will...
Stockholm, Sweden KTH Royal Institute of Technology Full timeDoctoral student in protein design for improved terpene biosynthesis School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH Syrén's research group is recruiting a PhD student in protein design applied to terpene biosynthesis. The project, funded by EU (HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-DN), involves international research groups and exchanges with...
Stockholm, Sweden Karlstad University Full timeDoctoral (PhD) student position in Precision Psychiatry Do you want to contribute to top quality medical research? To be a doctoral student means to devote oneself to a research project under supervision of experienced researchers and following an individual study plan. For a doctoral degree, the equivalent of four years of full-time doctoral education is...
Compliance Program Manager
24 hours ago
Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Spotify Full timeRequired Skills and QualificationsJuris Doctor (JD) degree from an accredited law school.Minimum of 10 years of experience in regulatory compliance, preferably within the technology sector.Strong understanding of the technology regulatory landscape.
Stockholm, Sweden Varbi Recruit Full time1-2 doctoral students in computational pathology and medical artificial intelligence Do you want to contribute to top quality medical research? To be a doctoral student means to devote oneself to a research project under supervision of experienced researchers and following an individual study plan. For a doctoral degree, the equivalent of four years of...
Senior Legal Counsel
1 week ago
Stockholm, Sweden Spotify Full timeWhat You'll Do - Develop and implement global compliance programs tailored to technology regulations, including digital platform, artificial intelligence, video, and social media regulations. - Build and maintain comprehensive documentation of compliance efforts, including policies, procedures, and training materials. - Monitor and analyze regulatory trends...
High Performance Computing
4 days ago
Stockholm, Sweden KTH Royal Institute of Technology Full timeHigh Performance Computing (HPC) research scientist School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH The PDC Center for High Performance computing at KTH is a supercomputing center for academic research in Sweden that operates national supercomputing resources, including the currently fastest academic supercomputer in Sweden, Dardel, a 8.26...