Strategiskt innovationsprojektet på Svea Solar

2 days ago

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Svea Solar Sweden Full time

Solenergipionjären har angett oss de riktlinjer vi ska följa. Ett tydligt uppdrag: att avsluta användningen av fossila bränslen. Om vi når målet? Du kan hjälpa oss nu som Development Lead

Varför ska jag söka?

Jag väljer att söka för att jag vill bidra till att göra världen bättre. Jag vill ha en aktiv roll i att styra framtidens energipolitik, men jag vet att det inte alltid går snabbt. I Svea Solar känner jag mig trygg i att Svea Solar faktiskt har ambitionen och viljan att fortlöpande driva utvecklingen av solenergin ända fram tills solenergiriktningen är global accepterad. Det finns en fin balans mellan professionellt arbete och social gemenskap. Kanske hittar jag sin plats här?

Vad om Svea Solar

Svea Solar har kommit långt sedan grundandet 1995. Till dagens datum importerar Svea Solar sina vindkraftsprodukter, men planerar snart exportera product från Sverige Mål sätts av koncernstyrelse via den tillfälliga Vision2028, riktlinjer och principer kommuniceras via evenemanget World Energy Solutions publicerad stegen ie vice ssits extermetarm omn

  • Solar Panel Lawyer

    2 days ago

    Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden SVEA RENEWABLE SOLAR AB Full time

    About Us: SVEA RENEWABLE SOLAR AB is a leader in solar panel installations, striving to make a difference in the climate. Our mission is to end the use of fossil fuels, and we have helped avoid CO2 emissions equivalent to the electricity use of 1,400,000 households for an entire year.

  • Solar Energy Leader

    2 days ago

    Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Svea Renewable Solar AB Full time

    Company OverviewSvea Renewable Solar AB is a pioneer in the renewable energy sector, dedicated to empowering customers with innovative solutions for a sustainable future. Our native app plays a vital role in this mission, providing real-time insights into solar energy generation, consumption, and storage.

  • Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden SVEA RENEWABLE SOLAR AB Full time

    Benefits: At SVEA RENEWABLE SOLAR AB, we promote diversity and inclusion, as different perspectives drive innovation. We offer a broad product portfolio with smart solutions that enable our customers to optimize their energy usage. Our employees enjoy a fast-paced and dynamic environment where excellent organizational and time management skills are...

  • Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Svea Solar Sweden Full time

    Svea Solar is one of Sweden's leading energy tech companies. Our mission is simple: to rid the planet of fossil fuels To bring this mission to life, we are looking for a Lead DevOps Engineer.The roleAs our Lead DevOps Engineer, you'll be responsible for setting up and managing our AWS platform with full ownership of the structure of our cloud infrastructure....

  • Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Svea Solar Sweden Full time

    I Svea Solar söker vi en Development Lead som vill vara en central del i att vidareutveckla vår B2B-avdelning och skapa en mer hållbar framtid. Rollen innebär att du spelar en nyckelroll i att forma och implementera strategier för produkt- och tjänsteutveckling.Om rollenDu kommer att samarbeta med tvärfunktionella team och vara den primära...

  • Engineering Manager

    9 hours ago

    Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Svea Solar Sweden Full time

    At Svea Solar, we're reshaping the future of renewable energy, and our native app is at the core of our mission to empower customers to take charge of their energy journey. Available to all our customers, the app provides real-time insights into solar energy generation, energy consumption, and battery storage. It's a vital tool for a greener, smarter...

  • Lead DevOps Engineer

    5 hours ago

    Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Svea Solar Sweden Full time

    Svea Solar is one of Sweden's leading energy tech companies. Our mission is simple: to rid the planet of fossil fuels To bring this mission to life, we are looking for a Lead DevOps Engineer.The roleAs our Lead DevOps Engineer you'll be responsible for setting up and managing our AWS platform with full ownership of the structure of our cloud infrastructure....

  • Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Svea Solar Sweden Full time

    About Svea SolarSvea Solar is a leading provider of solar energy solutions, aiming to empower customers to take control of their energy journey. Our mission is to reshape the future of renewable energy, and our native app plays a vital role in this endeavor.We're searching for an experienced Engineering Manager to lead and inspire our talented App Team. This...

  • Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Svea Renewable Solar AB Full time

    Svea Solar is one of Sweden's leading energy tech companies. Our mission is simple: to rid the planet of fossil fuels To bring this mission to life, we are looking for a Lead DevOps Engineer.The roleAs our Lead DevOps Engineer you'll be responsible for setting up and managing our AWS platform with full ownership of the structure of our cloud infrastructure....

  • Frontend Engineer

    3 weeks ago

    Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Svea Renewable Solar AB Full time

    Svea Solar är ett av Europas snabbast växande energy-tech-bolag med över 50 000 installationer och mer än 10 års erfarenhet i branschen. Vårt erbjudande kombinerar smart mjuk- och hårdvara och skapar värde för privatpersoner, bolag och industriella solparker.Vi vill befria planeten från fossila bränslen och för att nå dit jobbar vårt webbteam...

  • Frontend Engineer

    7 days ago

    Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Svea Renewable Solar AB Full time

    Svea Solar är ett av Europas snabbast växande energy-tech-bolag med över 50 000 installationer och mer än 10 års erfarenhet i branschen. Vårt erbjudande kombinerar smart mjuk- och hårdvara och skapar värde för privatpersoner, bolag och industriella solparker.Vi vill befria planeten från fossila bränslen och för att nå dit jobbar vårt webbteam...

  • Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Svea Solar Sweden Full time

    Om du är intresserad av att arbeta med en organisation som bidrar till att lösa världens stora utmaningar - då är du varmt välkommen att söka rollen som Development Lead hos Svea Solar.Om rollenGenom din roll som Development Lead bidrar du till att utveckla och implementera strategier för produkt- och tjänsteutveckling, och samarbetar med...

  • Legal intern

    3 weeks ago

    Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Svea Renewable Solar AB Full time

    Svea Solar is one of Europe's fastest-growing energy-tech companies, with over 50,000 customers and more than 10 years of experience. We offer smart software and hardware that create value for homeowners, businesses, and large solar parks. As we continue our journey and drive innovation in the energy field, we are now looking for a dedicated Legal intern to...

  • Engineering Manager

    2 days ago

    Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Svea Renewable Solar AB Full time

    At Svea Solar, we're reshaping the future of renewable energy, and our native app is at the core of our mission to empower customers to take charge of their energy journey. Available to all our customers, the app provides real-time insights into solar energy generation, energy consumption, and battery storage. It's a vital tool for a greener, smarter...

  • Staff Engineer

    2 weeks ago

    Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Svea Renewable Solar AB Full time

    Svea Solar is revolutionizing energy management, helping customers optimize their use while on a mission to build a fossil-free future. With 50,000+ customers and over a decade of experience, we deliver smart energy solutions for homes and businesses. We are currently looking for a Staff Engineer to join our team focused on Virtual Power Plants (VPP).The...

  • Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Svea Solar Sweden Full time

    Svea Solar strävar efter att bli världens mest framstående aktör inom solenergi. För att nå detta mål behöver vi en Development Lead som kan spela en nyckelroll i vår B2B-avdelning. Rollen innebär att du leder viktiga initiativ och arbetar nära ledningsgruppen.Om rollenRollen är ett vikariat med möjlighet till förlängning. Dina...

  • Engineering Manager

    5 hours ago

    Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Svea Renewable Solar AB Full time

    At Svea Solar, we're reshaping the future of renewable energy, and our native app is at the core of our mission to empower customers to take charge of their energy journey. Available to all our customers, the app provides real-time insights into solar energy generation, energy consumption, and battery storage. It's a vital tool for a greener, smarter...

  • Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Svea Renewable Solar AB Full time

    Svea Solar is one of Europe's fastest-growing energy-tech companies, with over 50,000 customers and more than 10 years of experience. We offer smart software and hardware that create value for homeowners, businesses, and large solar parks. As we continue our journey and drive innovation in the energy field, we are now looking for a dedicated Salesforce...

  • Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Svea Solar Sweden Full time

    Svea Solar är ett av Europas snabbast växande företag som arbetar med energieffektivitet. Vår ambition är att befria planeten från fossila bränslen genom att hjälpa våra kunder att bli en del av energiomställningen.Vår webbplats är en viktig del av vår affärsmodell och vi söker nu en Frontend Engineer som kan bidra till vår framgång. I...

  • Legal Counsel

    3 weeks ago

    Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Svea Renewable Solar AB Full time

    Svea Solar is on a mission to end the use of fossil fuels. Our installations to date have helped avoid CO2 emissions equivalent to the electricity use of 1,400,000 households for an entire year. As we continue our journey towards a sustainable future and drive innovation in the energy field, we are now looking for a dedicated Legal Counsel to join our Legal...