Head of portolio

2 days ago

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Boardtalk Executive AB Full time
As the Head of Portfolio & Asset Management, you will have direct access to international clients, key market participants and market leading service providers ensuring a complex and stimulating environment.


Fokus Nordic has an opening for a Head of Portfolio & Asset Management to lead the team of 11 persons at the Stockholm office and be overall responsible for AM of ca Sek 20 billion of real estate in Sweden. The position's main tasks are to ensure that all aspects of each investment achieve or exceed its objectives according to the adopted business plan as well as have a continuous dialogue with the international investors having invested in real estate with Fokus Nordic.


- Responsible for a team of 11 persons (including portfolio managers, asset managers and property managers)
- Overall responsible for the interaction with investors on asset management issues with current investors mainly in Sweden, UK, Germany and a middle east sovereign wealth fund
- Support the team in preparation of annual business planning, quarterly budget review and quarterly cash flow forecasting
- Overall responsible that business plans, recommendations and actions follow client's risk / return profiles
- Support the acquisition team in reviewing and underwriting new transaction opportunities from an asset management perspective
- Support the team in managing teams of third-party consultants including leasing agents, property managers, construction firms, architects and marketing specialists tailored for each investment
- Support the responsible portfolio and asset manager in negotiating property contracts including leases, management, and construction service agreements
- Support the responsible portfolio and asset manager when analyzing potential leases, CapEx, etc and subsequently overseeing recommendations to investors
- Overall responsible for all parts of large-scale development projects following acquisitions or standing assets that require repositioning
- Overall responsible that assigned properties are well maintained, both physically and financially to ensure both tenant satisfaction and preservation of value
- Overall responsible for maximizing returns on investment and optimizing cash flows
- Overall responsible for any divestments of assets, supporting the portfolio and asset manager responsible for the assets that are being divested


- We are searching for a hard-working team player to join us. You appreciate the entrepreneurial environment where everything is possible as long as you take responsibility.
- You enjoy talking to senior managers at large international investors while also being able to motivate a project development team or a property caretaker to do their best to carry out what is needed in the properties.
- We assume that you have a genuine interest in the real estate and finance sector and enjoy direct interaction with international investors of all types and all sectors.
- A suitable background is likely to include:

- A Master's of Science degree in Business or Engineering (preferably within real-estate and/or finance)
- Related work experience of minimum 20 years with the ability to work independently
- Deal-driven with strong interest in developing assets
- Strong interpersonal skills and an ability to develop business relationships
- Previous experience working with international investors is a plus, but not a requirement
- Fluent Swedish
- Strong written and verbal English
- Strong knowledge within MS Excel (including ability to review cash flow models and property valuations) and Power Point


Do you want to be a part of Fokus Nordic? Please apply for the position at www.boardtalk.se. For further questions about this position, contact Johan Magnusson (072-248 65 31) email, johan.magnusson@boardtalk.se)


Fokus Nordic will following the acquisition of Deas manage ca EUR 9 billion of real estate in the Nordic countries. The business includes among others our own real estate and debt funds, separate accounts with some of the largest investors in the world as well as Nordic pension capital. With 170 professionals we offer the best possible asset and investment management in real estate to our clients.

Read more about Fokus Nordic at www.fokusnordic.com

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