
2 days ago

Sundbyberg Municipality, Sweden Prevas AB Full time
Om oss

Vi är ett kompetensgäng på runt 250 konsulter inom allt från elektronikutveckling till inbyggd mjukvara, mekanik, applikationsutveckling, QA och projektledning. Vi kör projekt både från våra egna lokaler och labb, och ute hos våra kunder. Vårt arbete är bransch-ospecifikt, d.v.s. vi jobbar inom en drös olika branscher.

Vad gör du som studentambassadör?
  1. Becomes a part of our existing student team with ambassadors.
  2. Helps us strengthen the relationship with Elektrosektionen on KTH through contact with other students and coordinates various types of student events.
  3. Helps us with either headhunting via LinkedIn or other types of recruitment, or helps us with marketing Prevas on different platforms - this is determined individually and depends on what you think is fun and believe you are good at.
  4. Has the opportunity to attend many of our employee events and has good opportunities to network with our competent group.
  5. Paid per hour after agreement, working hours are flexible and depending on what you have time for alongside your studies (our student ambassadors usually work 10-40 hours a month).