
3 days ago

Malmo, Skåne, Sweden TN Sweden Full time

Are you enthusiastic about engineering within the field of Civil Engineering? Do you have a desire to work in an international consultancy? Regardless of your seniority level, we would be thrilled to hear from you

COWI is a leading consulting firm in engineering and environmental science. With world-class expertise, we develop the sustainable societies of the future together with our customers. We have offices all over the world and 8,000 employees.
At COWI, we believe in a work environment characterized by curiosity, courage, caring, cooperation, and responsibility. A key aspect of our everyday lives is that we work together, both as employees and with customers and partners.
Within the Civil division, we work primarily with urban development and infrastructure. Our strategy aims to be the market leader in the following areas:

  1. Large infrastructure projects
  2. Climate adaptation and sustainability

For us at the Civil division, this means that we have specialists in areas such as:

  1. Road
  2. Rail
  3. Traffic
  4. Geotechnical engineering
  5. Land & water & sewerage
  6. Environment and climate

Our assignments vary from early stages and investigations to design.
Would you be interested in working in the Civil division at COWI - Sweden? Then you can register your interest using the link on this page.
This is not a recruitment process; you are only submitting your expression of interest for the division.
Should an interesting role appear that we see matches your profile and interests, we will contact you


  • Malmo, Skåne, Sweden VA SYD Full time

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  • Malmo, Skåne, Sweden VA SYD Full time

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  • Malmo, Skåne, Sweden VA SYD Full time

    Är du skicklig inom strategisk intressentbevakning? Vill du vara med och utveckla och påverka framtidens vattentjänster i samarbete med våra medlemskommuner och andra intressenter? VA SYD söker en strateg med fokus påverkansprocesser och externa relationer för framtidens hållbara vattentjänster. Din kommande roll I rollen som strateg inom externa...

  • Malmo, Skåne, Sweden Wsp Sverige AB Full time

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